Event Management
LiCosta – Flawless? Yes!
Gorgeous? Absolutely!

Organizing parties and renting costumes.

Over 1000 happy guests for 6 months

MOST charismatic artist for best price

Our Services

Pool party

Dance show

Children's party


at the exhibition

What we do best

There’s a reason our clients love us, and it all starts with our commitment to all-around quality service.
What we do best:

We Deliver
Unforgettable Experiences!

We have the talent, tools, and drive that you expect to turn your event into an unforgettable experience.


Get Noticed with Our Costumes one
of a kind experiences to your business, providing you with stunning events.

Let's Make Your
Tradeshow a Success!

More than 150 looks for the show and a team of professional dancers. We transform your tradeshow environment for success!

How can we help?

If you would like to work with LiCosta,
we’d love to hear from you.
Send us a note and we’ll set a time
to get to know each other.

We respond to RFPs as soon as possible. However, if you have sent us an RFP and haven’t heard back, feel free to call us at: +971528530379 or email us at: LiCostaDubai@gmail.com

Why choose us?

Guys, we really want to be closer to you, so we invite you to get acquainted and learn our history.

My name is Lidiia I am an event organizer and 6 years ago I started my career in events by being an artist myself. I perfomed sewed costumes I invent, sew costumes, come up with choreography.

I really liked my work, I found new acquainces and friends but decided that it was time to grow.

Then I created my company Licosta and for half a year now my team and have been breaking into different places and delighting guests all over Dubai!

Experience success
For You
Hotel general managers


Dubai, Marina

Phone: +971 5285 30379 Lidiia

E-mail: LiCostaDubai@gmail.com
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